
Meet the team behind these amazing contents!

Kyle Norman
Web Developer

Kyle is the mastermind to put up. Having some background in putting a website together, he used this platform to practice his skills while doing something better for our fallen comrades. He was one of the guys who got dumped but still heavily invested with his ex-girlfriend, so to him this website is personal.


Dennis MacEachern
Writer/Contributor/”Love Doctor”

He is our resident “love doctor” as he always comes up with romantic solutions to every problem. It’s weird because he has only been in a relationship once, but we are guessing he was sent by Goddess Venus from the heavens to help our readers from


Stacy Hughes
Writer/Editor/”The Equalizer”

Stacy has always been neutral when it comes to our decisions. She becomes our check-and-balance of every article published to ensure that they are as fair as possible to both parties involved. She simulates every scenario and their effects, so you don’t have to fail miserably!


Simon Gray
The Marketing Guy

Simon put us together. He is the magnet of all broken hearted soldiers. So, he is tasked to look for you guys who need help from us! He is basically everywhere looking for traces of emotional burdens and ready to pick you up.